Heaven is for all!!!

Ibong Ifiokabasi
2 min readJun 6, 2022

“It is like a tiny mustard seed that a man planted in a garden; it grows and becomes a tree, and the birds make nests in its branches.”

Luke‬ ‭13:19‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Long time no write. I missed sharing with you all. And so when I had a leading to share this, I couldn’t procrastinate (I recall when that was the biggest word I could spell😂). I just couldn’t let the tea get cold. Best served hot.

Cornelius was an amazing man. I’d implore you to turn to Acts 10 and read with me. There are not many people hyped in the New Testament, much less so, a non-Jew. Verse 2 says he was devout, God-fearing, made his household so, gave to the poor and prayed to God. He was Roman, considered a Gentile and yet, received a heavenly visitation from an Angel. On his behalf, Peter received a message in a trance and that was how we had the first Conversion of a non-Jew. Glory!

Peter was one of the 12 and may have forgotten the Parable of the mustard seed in Luke 13:18. How Jesus explained that the Kingdom of God grows like the tree of a mustard seed and birds nests on its branches. The tree can’t choose which bird nests on it. The bird comes to the tree and builds in it. This is how the Kingdom of God is like. It takes all.

God plays no favoritism. He accepts those who believe and seek him sincerely. If the state of your heart is like Cornelius, you will receive a visitation and have an experience like never before. Personal experience I’m sure many of us believers can relate to.

How do you become like Cornelius? Remember Matthew 5, the beatitudes? Verse 3 says, the poor in spirit (those who know they need help from God) shall inherit the Kingdom. This is deep and powerful. You need to come to a realization, just like Cornelius, a Roman Centurion with all that power and authority, that you need God. Seek him out diligently and above all and just like Cornelius, you will have that encounter and the eyes of your understanding will the enlightened by the receiving of the Holy Spirit.

Listen to Aletheia: the truth on Anchor & Spotify for more edifying content.



Ibong Ifiokabasi

Writer, Christian, Doctor, purposeful living. Building through technology, promoting healthcare and intentional living