How to ride a horse.

Ibong Ifiokabasi
3 min readApr 8, 2022

Because I’m a lowly beggar and I’m trying to make wishes, you get? 😄

In exactly 10 days, I’ll be 25. I feel so old and yet, unaccomplished. I thought I’d make my first million by 20. Then 22. And now, I’m 25 and still in the urgent 2k category. I’m undeterred regardless because I am sure it’s only a matter of time. It doesn’t mean I don’t feel like years have gone by and I didn’t use them so well.

The biggest disappointment is not becoming a medical doctor before I clock 25. Mostly because of the ASUU strike. Maybe I’d have felt really better about it all. A great way to start off hitting this milestone — my silver jubilee.

Anyhoo, I’d love to create a wishlist. I don’t know why but these days, I’ve been chanting the statement ‘a closed mouth is a closed destiny’. To receive, you must ask — love, money, opportunities, favors. Asking brings results, even when you are turned down.

My favorite Bible verse talks about asking and says: “Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you.” Matthew‬ ‭7:7‬ ‭NLT‬‬

I wanna ask so doors can be opened, good things I seek will be found. This wishlist makes me feel vulnerable but makes me say out my desires like an admittance and that feels energizing.

So here is my wishlist

  1. I wish ASUU will call off this strike
  2. I wish to scale through all the semesters at AltSchool. I ask that you my readers pray for me to remain focused, encouraged and motivated.
  3. I wish to pay off a debt and settle other troubling expenses
  4. I wish to have the wisdom to handle a very delicate matter I’m in the center of at the moment in such a way that every one involved smiles at the end
  5. I wish to give back to my community. I visited the pediatrics department of my teaching hospital in 2019 and since the pandemic year, I couldn’t repeat such. Kind donations are welcome
  6. I wish to meet more tech people this year as I gain the knowledge in backend devs. I pray for wisdom to handle these relationships well because I sometimes fear when dealing with people.
  7. I wish that I can turn my marketable skills to income churning ventures
  8. I wish my Locs grow healthily
  9. I wish to see my family members smile more because all there heart desires are met
  10. I wish to see all my friends win and prosper
  11. And finally, I wish people will ask me for my account number a lot on my birthday and send cash gifts/ask for my address and send small chops and parfait. I wanna feel pampered and loved that day

You may be having a thought and you are right. These are not wishes but prayer points. Since this month started, I have been praying about these points. I believe in your intercessions for me and so I implore you pray for/with me too.

You may also be my answered prayers. I look forward to hearing from you.

I think I’m figuring out how to ride horses. It’s about time I moved.




Ibong Ifiokabasi

Writer, Christian, Doctor, purposeful living. Building through technology, promoting healthcare and intentional living